Jasmine (Teumessian Trilogy Book 3) Read online

Page 13

  “Let's load up,” Marie ordered, standing in front of the group.

  “How are we going to get the whole group there?” Ray inquired.

  “Yuck, ok fine, five in the Camry and two on each bike. We will steal the bikes and bring them back. We need to steal seven bikes. We will have to dump the car in the city. Jasmine, Greg, Dovia, Ray, James, Ping, Bradley, Marcus, and I will go.”

  “Why isn't Chessy going?” James complained.

  “Because she is still recovering. She doesn't need to go. She is safe here,” Marie snipped back. “Now, let's go,” Marie ordered as the members she picked moved towards the vehicles.

  James turned to Chessy. “She's right. You will be safe here. I'll pick a good one.” He winked.

  “James, I can take care of myself. My leg is fine. Please, don't treat me like a child,” Chessy replied.

  “Sorry,” James pouted playfully.

  Chessy laughed, “Stop it and go.”

  James leaned in and gave Chessy a kiss. “I'll behave. I promise.” James ran to catch up with the rest of the team heading to the bikes and car. Chessy just shook her head and smiled.

  “Oh please, let me be the flower girl at the wedding,” Nathan joked.

  “Stop that,” Chessy replied with a playful shove.

  “You have changed a lot. I never took you for a starry eyed little girl, but you are in love,” Nathan continued to tease.

  Chessy smiled a little. “Do think that means you can get away with anything? I can still kick your ass, busted leg and all.”

  “Now that sounds more like you. But I still want to be the flower girl.”

  Chessy just shook her head, with a permanent grin planted on her face.

  James was able to catch up with the group already loading up.

  “Good of you to join us,” Marie quipped.

  “Sorry,” James replied, climbing into the car. Marie revved the purple bike with Ray sitting behind her. Jasmine had allowed Greg to drive. She just wanted to hold onto him. “Greg, take the lead. You know where we're going,” Marie ordered, handing the purple helmet to Ray. “You need it; I don't,” she joked.

  Ray placed the purple helmet on his head to a small smirk from Marcus. “Good, purple is my color,” Ray sarcastically replied.

  Greg took off, with Marie following close behind. Near the shop, they found an alley to park their bikes. The Camry just barely fit, but it had to do.

  “It looks so much better at night, without all the neon insanity,” Dovia pointed out as they peered at the dealership from the alley.

  “Dovia, best entrance?” Marie inquired, scanning the exterior of the store.

  “There is a back entrance for employees. I saw the door when we did the paperwork.”

  “Lead the way.”

  Dovia took charge. Using the darkness of the alley as a cover, she was able to get to the electrical panel that sat near the back door. Dovia pulled a knife and pried open the panel door. Switches and wires lay before her. She took a moment and examined the wires, running her fingers over the switches, finding which led to what and how she could deactivate the security, without causing the alarms to go off. Dovia found the connection she was looking for and cut it. The few lights that were on in the dealership went off. Dovia turned and signaled to the rest of the team to move forward.

  Marie got to Dovia's side first. “Good job.” She patted her on the back. Marie pulled a flashlight from her bag as everyone joined them at the door. “As little light as possible. Get a bike and walk it out. The same way we came in. Understood?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “Greg, get the lock,” Marie ordered.

  Greg stepped up and got to work on the door lock. With the electricity out, it was a cinch for him to get the door to unlock. Marie slowly pushed open the unlocked door and moved in swiftly. Marie knew her bike of choice and had her hopes up that she would find it. Marie smiled as she saw what she was looking for, a BMW 6 in fire red. Everyone else filed in after her.

  Grabbing the BMW 6, Marie turned to the group. “Make sure the ones you pick are two people capable. I'm riding solo.”

  Each picked out a bike. James found a Suzuki GSXR 1000 in blue. Chessy likes blue, James thought to himself as he grabbed the handle bars to turn the bike. He looked around and saw everyone else was doing the same. James hurried, as he realized Marie was already out the back. Everyone got their bikes and got out behind Marie. Marie had straddled her bike as everyone else followed her lead. Jasmine smiled at Greg as he climbed on his dark grey bike.

  “Race you back,” Jasmine flirted, turning on her bike.

  Greg smiled and shook his head.

  Marie ignored the interaction and took off, with everyone racing behind. Once back, things moved quickly as everyone loaded up on the bikes to make the two-hour drive to Ming's estate in Beijing.

  Chessy went straight for James as he pulled up. “Blue, my favorite,” she flirted.

  “I thought you would like it,” James replied, taking his additional bag from Chessy and strapping it to the bike.

  Greg gave his to Liam before walking over to Jasmine as she prepared her equipment. “Any chance I could get a ride,” he said with a smile.

  “I can make room,” Jasmine replied, placing two combat knives in sheaves on her waist.

  “Where did you get those?”

  “A gift from Mom. Climb on.” Jasmine tapped the seat behind her. “I'm driving, this time. I know where we are going.”

  “Sounds fair.” Greg climbed on the back of the bike and placed his hands on Jasmine's waist, right above the knives. “I'm not sure how safe I feel with those there,” he joked.

  Jasmine just smiled.

  “Everyone listen up. Jasmine is taking point. She knows where she is going better than any of us. Stay behind her, and if she tells you to do something, do it. Is that clear?”

  “Yes ma’am,” James replied for the group as Chessy took hold of his waist.

  “After you.” Marie gestured for Jasmine to lead.

  Jasmine revved her bike and took off down the road with everyone following in quick succession.



  The drive was peaceful. It was probably the last bit of peace they would have for a while. Jasmine knew all too well that Ming wouldn't give up without a fight, and she never played by the rules. Marie knew it, as well, but still enjoyed being on the road. The fear of being caught was always there, but the wind in her hair and being back on a bike gave her so much joy; that and the fact that she was finally going to be able to get Ming for everything she had done. About a mile from Ming's mansion, Jasmine led the team into the woods. As she approached the location she wanted, she came to a stop.

  Greg got off immediately. “Gotta stretch the legs. I haven't been on that long of a ride in forever.”

  Jasmine parked and climbed off. It was exactly the spot she wanted. Ming's estate was visible, but it was about a mile out. Marie parked her bike next to Jasmine's and got off and stood next to Jasmine.

  “Perfect spot,” she complimented, staring at Ming's estate ahead of them.

  Jasmine turned to see everyone getting off their bikes and standing before her, waiting for instructions. She took a deep breath. “There are three floors to the mansion. Ming's office and bedroom are on the third. However, we cannot just go in, guns blazing.”

  “Why not? I thought she was a bad guy,” Bradley inquired.

  “Because she has children in there. The obedient ones will be in the living quarters on the second floor, and the new acquisitions will be in the cells in the basement.”

  “New acquisitions?” Chessy questioned, confused.

  “The girls she kidnaps. She keeps them as prisoners in the cells in the basement, until they learn to conform.”

  “If they don't?” Rose nervously asked.

  “They don't make it,” Jasmine somberly replied. “Any of her girls, you must disarm. Please don't kill them. They are victims, too.”r />
  Everyone looked to each other.

  “You heard her. We disarm and capture,” Marie barked at the silence.

  “Her guards, however, you can do what you want with them. They are garbage,” Jasmine added bitterly.

  “There are children locked in a prison in the basement. We have to get them out,” Rose begged the group.

  “I'm with Rose. The girls need to be released,” Liam added.

  Marie looked to Jasmine. Jasmine knew she would have to be part of the rescue group as the girls would recognize her and be more likely to listen to her instructions. “I will lead the group to rescue the girls. Rose, will you come with me in case any need medical care?”

  “Yes, yes, I will,” Rose replied, with tears in her eyes.

  “I'll go with them as well,” Ping added.

  “I will head for Ming. Ray will organize teams to sweep the house,” Marie ordered.

  Ray nodded. “Teams of four. We will go bottom to top. Any threat must be neutralized. As instructed, we do not harm any children. If one appears to be a threat, disarm them only.”

  Everyone acknowledged.

  Marie reached into her bag and pulled out a black bag. She opened it and walked from person to person. “Take one and put it in your ear. They are synced. I think I have enough for everyone. If you need to talk, push the small red button.”

  Everyone took one of the small hearing aids and applied them to their ears. Marie turned from the group and looked back at the estate.

  “There are two guards at the gate. I will take care of them. Everyone else is to stay out of sight until I do.” Marie pulled her two knives from their holster on her back and started to make her way towards the gate. Marie moved through the tree line with the rest of the team only a few paces behind. Formulating her plan, Marie placed one of her knives back in her harness and readied the other one. As she emerged from the tree line, she threw her knife at the guard on her right, striking him in the neck. The second guard was so distracted by the sudden appearance of a charging Marie, she was able to grab him by the neck and slam him on the ground. Quickly getting a grip, she snapped his neck. Marie stood up and reached out to the gate and gave it a push. It wasn't locked. Marie was instantly apprehensive. Why wouldn't it be locked? It was too late to go back. This was their chance. Marie waved to her team to follow her. Led by Jasmine, they were quickly falling in behind, remaining in the shadows as much as possible as she charged towards the front door. Marie reached out, again unlocked. She looked back at Jasmine, who was by her side.

  Jasmine's eyes were concerned as well. “She would never leave the doors unlocked.”

  “Get to the children. Get them out,” Marie ordered “Look for signs of explosives. Any sign, get everyone out,” Marie informed the group over their ear communicators. Marie pushed open the door and peered into the dark house. The opulent foyer was deserted. Marie moved quickly across the floor, not making a sound, and headed straight for the stairs. Jasmine was right behind with Rose and Ping in tow.

  “The entrance to the basement is this way,” Jasmine whispered as she turned left and headed down the east corridor of the main floor. Rose and Ping moved in behind her. It was impossible for the two of them not to notice the over-the-top glamour of Ming's decorations. Gold, diamonds, and gems adorned every art piece along the wall. Even in the dark, the slight hints of moonlight bounced off the jewels as they passed. It made Rose sick to her stomach, the thought of children living in squalor, while Ming lived in pleasure. Jasmine reached the basement door. It didn't look out of place within the mansion, with the exception of the padlock on the door. Jasmine looked around. She was trying to remember exactly where the backup key was kept. A silver box on the table only a few feet away caught her eye. Jasmine went and opened the box and saw the key laying on the red velvet fabric. Grabbing the key, Jasmine went back and unlocked the door. Jasmine led the way down the metal stairs. At the bottom, Jasmine turned on the light switch. The scene before them repulsed Rose and Ping. A long row of metal bar cages, each only eight feet by eight feet in size. The smell of urine and feces was overpowering. Rose pushed past Jasmine and ran to the first cage. A little black-haired girl lay on the floor, covered in her own filth.

  “Wake up, sweetie, please wake up,” Rose pleaded, shaking the bars.

  The little girl slowly raised her head, her dark brown eyes filling with tears. “I’ll be good. I promise,” she said quietly.

  “You're safe. We are here to help,” Rose replied, reaching her hand through the bars for the little girl to take. Jasmine had watched the interaction and was trying to keep her composure. Jasmine grabbed the ring of keys hanging by the light switch and went to the cage.

  “Jasmine?” the little girl inquired.

  “Yes, it’s me. This is all over. I am getting you out,” Jasmine replied, fighting back tears. “When was the last time you ate?”

  “Nobody has come down in several nights.” Jasmine had gotten the cage open, and Rose pulled the door open and picked up the little girl. She was so light. Jasmine went silent as she went to the next cage and the next, unlocking them. Ping had joined them and was helping the little girls out of their cages, each filthier than the last.

  Rose was cradling the first little girl in her arms. “They need food and water. They are too weak.”

  “We have to get them out first,” Jasmine replied, rechecking the cages to make sure all of the girls were out, eight in total, all alive, but barely. Rose moved towards the stairs, with Ping following behind, carrying a little brunette, who was too weak to walk. The rest of the girls were frozen in place in the corridor between the cages.

  “Girls, come on. We are getting you out of here,” Rose pleaded, but the girls didn't move.

  Jasmine turned to them. They had all seen her before. They knew her as mother's favorite. “You all have to come with me. I am in charge of you now. You all must bathe and eat; follow me,” Jasmine ordered.

  The girls immediately obeyed, following her up the stairs. Ping and Rose both looked to one another in shock of how callus Jasmine was to them. Once at the top of the stairs, they were greeted by a gun-drawn Greg, who was leading Liam, Dovia, and Bradley down the corridors, clearing them.

  “We need cover to get them out,” Jasmine ordered.

  “The entrance is clear. James, Chessy, Nathan, and Marcus are clearing the second floor. Take them straight to our bikes.” Jasmine nodded as Greg watched in horror as she was followed by six very sickly looking little girls. “Do you need help with them?” Greg questioned, concerned as he saw Rose and Ping bringing up the rear, each with a little girl in their arms.

  “No, we have this,” Ping replied. Rose was still speechless.

  Greg nodded and signaled for his team to continue following him.

  Marie had made her way, without delay, to the third floor. It was too easy, and it made her even more alert. Once she reached Ming's bedroom, she pushed open the door and to no surprise, the room was vacant. Marie turned on a light and noticed the closet door was open. She pulled her knives and approached as she got to the opening. She felt rage come over her. It was empty. All the clothing was gone. Ming had fled. “Bitch knew we were coming,” Marie said, gritting her teeth. Marie went immediately to Ming's phone and dialed Warren's personal cell phone. Warren answered.

  “She's gone,” Marie barked.

  “Why mother, I'm so sorry to hear your cat got out,” Warren replied.

  “Cute, you ass. She's gone. She knew we were coming.”

  “Does that surprise you, Mom? She is a very active little cat.”

  “I hate you, right now.”

  “Oh mother, I love you as well. I have just landed in China, and I'm going to meet with the government officials, so I can't help you look for your cat. I'm sure you will find her.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Marie replied, hanging up the phone.

  Meanwhile, James, Chessy, Nathan, and Marcus had been searching the second floor for any sign of Ming
or her girls. They were finding none.

  “They're all gone,” Nathan pointed out, clearing the last bedroom.

  James noticed a hidden door at the end of the hall, badly disguised as wallpaper. “See that?” James pointed to the wall.

  “Yah, it is shitty wallpaper,” Marcus replied, holstering his gun.

  “I don't think that is what it is.” James walked over and examined it further. James found the parting and gave it a push; it opened. “Secret door.” James smiled.

  Marcus re-drew his gun, and everyone else readied theirs. James walked through the opening, and suddenly, the lights came on. It was a training facility. As they walked the catwalk above the floor, they were impressed with the set up. Gymnastics equipment, punching bags, and obstacle courses filled the massive facility.

  “We will take the floor if you two will check the catwalk and watch our backs,” Nathan proposed.

  “Sounds good,” James replied as he moved forward with Chessy at his side.

  Nathan and Marcus took the stairs to search the floor. James continued, with Chessy a pace behind, walking backwards, watching James' back. Suddenly, they heard a gunshot. The shot had missed them, but James identified the shooter to his left on another catwalk. James turned and fired back, hitting the man. This had drawn Chessy to turn and position herself next to James to cover his left. The glimmer of the metal of a gun caught her attention behind her. She turned, and before she could draw her gun, the man fired. Chessy threw herself in front of James' back to shield him. The bullet found its mark at the center of Chessy's chest. As she fell, James turned and caught her as he fired back at the gunman, hitting him in the forehead. The man crumpled to the ground as James turned to Chessy in his arms, “Why?” he pleaded. “I could have taken the bullet.”

  “I…I wasn't thinking. I just didn't want you hurt,” she gasped, trying to breathe. The blood was seeping from the wound and soaking into James' clothing as he clung to her.

  “You are going to be ok. I'm going to get you help,” James sobbed.