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Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1) Page 14
Marie (Teumessian Trilogy Book 1) Read online
Page 14
From inside the car, Tyler heard the thud of Marie landing on top of the car, “Is she on the fucking top of the train?” Tyler exclaimed. Tyler moved out of his hiding place and to the back of the train car, his gun drawn. He could hear commotion on top of the train. Marie was fighting with someone. Tyler took a deep breath and moved to the open door and looked out. He saw the ladder next to the door. Tyler took another deep breath and placed the gun in the back of his pants and grabbed onto the ladder and began to climb up. As he did so he saw a body fall from the top of the train. Tyler saw it wasn’t her, so he continued to climb. Once he reached the top, he saw Marie squaring off with two men, knives drawn. Tyler pulled his gun from the back of his pants and tried to steady himself to get a shot on one of them without possibly hitting Marie. The train shook as it took a turn and the man in front of Marie stumbled to catch his footing. Marie took advantage and took out the man behind her. With a quick turn of her knives, she disarmed him and slashed him across the chest, knocking him down and off the train. Tyler saw the first man, the man had steadied himself and pulled a gun. Tyler tried to aim his gun, but Marie was in the way, Tyler yelled, “Gun!” trying to get Marie’s attention to turn to the first man. She began to turn, but as she did, the man fired. The bullet went straight through Marie’s stomach. She fell backwards, landing on her back on the train. He now had his shot Tyler fired hitting the man directly in the chest before the man could get off another shot. The man fell backwards from the impact of the bullet and landed flat on the train. Marie was slow to get up. Tyler moved up the ladder and grabbed onto her shoulder. She was losing a lot of blood. Tyler pulled her to the ladder and helped her down and back into the car. “Stand still, let me look at it.” Tyler said, trying to look at the wound.
“Stop! I’ll be fine.” Marie said pushing him away trying to catch her breath. Marie stumbled down the car towards their cabin and collapsed into the seat. Tyler saw the trail of blood. He was in shock, she was bleeding and a lot. He didn’t think she would bleed like that.
Tyler rushed to follow her, “Just let me look at it, I am a doctor.”
Marie, laughed holding her stomach, “Since when are you an MD?”
“I have a freaking PhD in Biology, let me look.” Tyler replied.
“I told you, it will heal. Just relax.” Marie said, adjusting herself in the seat trying to get more comfortable.
“You’re in pain and bleeding? I figured you wouldn’t bleed like that.” Tyler asked stepping into the cabin.
“I am a human being the last time I checked. Just because I can heal better than you doesn’t mean I don’t bleed or feel physical pain. I’m not some fucking super hero or something.” Marie said reaching behind her to loosen the shredded cords of her top.
“Dear lord, just let me help.” Tyler said walking over and reaching out to grab the cords behind her. Marie was too exhausted to argue anymore. She rolled towards the back of the chair and allowed him to undo the cords. Tyler pulled the top apart and saw the wound in her back. It was very small for a bullet wound in the center of the two intertwined snakes that covered her back. The bleeding had stopped.
Marie rolled back onto her back and pulled the shredded top off to reveal the small entry wound on her stomach. “I told you it would heal.” Marie replied taking a deep breath.
Tyler couldn’t look away, he was in amazement of how quickly the wound was healing. He was also disillusioned with the number of scars on her body. He had seen them before but not this close. “I saw the scars before but up close they look so bad.”
“Again wounds leave scars and I have had a few of them.” Marie replied placing her hand on her stomach. “This isn’t my first bullet and it won’t be my last.” She moved her hand to brush back her dark hair.
“You can’t die, can you?” Tyler asked in amazement, sitting down beside her as she lay across the seats.
Marie laughed, “Well, I haven’t tried taking my own head off or letting someone else do it so not sure I could survive that or any other serious injury. I try to avoid injuries to the head and such”
“You took a bullet straight through the stomach. You shouldn’t be alive, you should have bled out.”
“I’ve taken worse.” Marie replied, looking straight at Tyler. “Nice shot, thanks for that.” Marie smiled touching Tyler on the leg.
Tyler smiled, “You’re welcome.”
“It’s getting late. I need to sleep, losing a pint or more of blood will tire a girl out.” Marie said with a laugh.
“Ok” Tyler said, standing up and reaching up to the overhead compartment and pulling out a blanket. Marie stood as well and lay the seat down into a bed, then sat back down laying her head flat on the bed. Tyler reached up again and pulled out a pillow and handed it and the blanket to her.
“Thank you” she said with a smile.
Tyler smiled back and reached back to pull down the overhead bed. As he did the side hinge snapped and the bed started to fall. Tyler quickly caught it “Shit!” he exclaimed.
Marie laughed, “You broke it”
“No I didn’t seriously it just fell” Tyler said trying not to laugh.
“You totally broke it” Marie was still laughing.
“Shit, what do I do now?” Tyler was now not able to control his laughter.
“Fold it back up. It should hold.” Marie said still laughing.
Tyler grabbed the pillow and blanket off it and folded it back up. “Chair sleeping it is.” Tyler said with a chuckle.
“Come on, you can share. It’s big enough.” Marie said edging to the edge of the bed and tapping the bed behind her. Tyler hesitated, “I don’t bite, but I am tired. So in the bed and to sleep” Marie said curling up in the blanket.
Tyler climbed over Marie and laid down next to her arranging the pillow under his head. He looked over at her, he smelled her next to him and it relaxed him, she smelled so sweet. It must have been her hair, it was so beautiful Tyler just drank in the smell.
Marie started to laugh again.
“What what is it?” Tyler questioned.
“You broke it on purpose so you could sleep next to me.” Marie replied laughing.
“I swear it was it accident.” Tyler protested trying not to laugh.
“Riiight, I believe you.” Marie laughed again.
Tyler was laughing, “Stop you’re making me sound like a pervert. I wouldn’t do that.” Tyler protested trying to sound serious but the laughter was coming through.
Marie turned to face him. “Ok don’t admit that you find me attractive, hurt a girl’s feelings.” Marie said propping herself up on her right elbow.
“I didn’t say you weren’t attractive. I never said that. You are making assumptions.” Tyler said leaning up on his left elbow.
Marie just smiled, “Ok suit
yourself,” she said rolling back over and pulling the covers over her.
“Wait, what just happened?” Tyler replied confused.
“You’re not getting any is what just happened.” Marie said with a laugh.
Tyler was shocked. “Hey,” he said touching her shoulder and rolling her towards him. “I’m not like that, I’m not trying to get any.”
“So you’re gay?” Marie replied with a laugh.
“No, I’m not gay. I’m just not like that. I get that guys always want to just jump into bed with you, but I’m not trying to do that to you.”
“Does this good guy routine work for you?” Marie said, sitting back up on both of her elbows, the snakes on her breast staring directly at Tyler.
“It’s not a routine,” Tyler protested but he caught himself staring at her breasts; he couldn’t look away from the snakes staring back at him.
Marie reached up with her right hand and grabbed his now stubble filled chin and pulled him close to her as she lay back down on the bed. She drew his lips to hers and kissed him passionately. Tyler had closed his eyes and felt her lips on his. They were so soft and delicate, nothing he expected from
her. Tyler lifted his head back and made eye contact with her piercing blue eyes. He leaned back in and kissed her, running his right hand behind her back pulling her against his body. He felt his grip tighten, he could smell her hair, taste her lips, and feel her body and he didn’t want the feeling to end. He felt her hand run through his brown hair, her other hand caressing his chest and beginning to pull his shirt up. Tyler pulled his hand from under her back and pulled his shirt off. He could feel her hands run down his chest, across his abs and begin to unbutton his pants. His hand ran down her hips and caressed her thigh. She began to remove his pants and him hers. Her skin was so smooth as he felt himself melt into her. They spent the remainder of the night in bed, her in his arms. He felt so comfortable with her, despite the fact that she was so dead set on seeing others suffer. She made him feel so at peace.
The next ten hours on the train were the happiest he had seen her since their first encounter. She was herself, or at least what he felt was the real her, not the determined killer but the loving woman she was destined to be.
Tyler had finally felt comfortable to ask the real questions, the deep ones, “Ok, I have been wanting to ask you this, why Michael?”
“What do you mean, why Michael?” Marie looked at him confused as she brushed her hair.
“I mean, you were surrounded by men, heck it sounds like you had no women around at all growing up. You pretty much had your pick of men, why did you pick Michael?” Tyler asked getting worried he had crossed a line but Marie just laughed.
“You think I just lined them up and went, yup you, you will do.” Marie replied, placing her brush down and pulling her dark hair into a bun.
“No, that’s not what I meant. I think you know what I mean, you’re just avoiding the question.” Tyler leaned forward in his chair.
Marie looked away towards the window avoiding eye contact. “I know what you mean. How much do you know about him?” Marie asked still looking at the window.
“I only know a little, that he was your team’s leader.” Tyler replied. Tyler could see tears coming to Marie’s eyes.
“He was a good man, he protected me. He would do anything for me.” Marie took a long pause, “He loved me.” She said, turning to face Tyler. She couldn’t hold the tears back anymore they were running down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry I’m soo sorry for bringing it up.” Tyler said moving towards the bed she was sitting on and hugged her. She hugged back only she was tightening her grip and she clung to him crying into his chest. Tyler was trying to hold back his own, her pain was so raw so real it tore him apart. He was beginning to really care for her. Tyler held her the rest of the night, he never let go. She drifted to sleep in his arms.
Chapter 24
They were awakened by the train stopping at its destination. They had arrived in Chicago. Marie felt the rock of the train as it came to a stop and sat up, letting go of Tyler.
“We need to get moving. You checked the tracker right? He is still here, right?”
“Yes, he is, I checked it last night and I am going to check right now.” Tyler said standing up and grabbing his bag from off the chair and pulling the phone out of its front pocket. He pushed a few keys, “Yup he’s still here, and downtown is what the coordinates look like.”
“Ok, let’s just follow them and see where it leads.” Marie replied, putting her backpack on her back and moving her way across the room and out the cabin, Tyler followed behind, his satchel over his shoulder. They exited the train together, and looked around. “West or East of our location?” Marie asked
“Um, East.” Tyler replied, looking at the phone and trying to get his bearings.
“Ok, then, heading east.” Marie said, moving out of the terminal with Tyler in tow. Marie continued to head east. Tyler rushed to keep up to her quick pace.
“Hang on, let’s figure out an address or something it would be easier.”
“Why, what difference does it make? We have the coordinates. We just follow those.” Marie continued in her stride.
“Because I want to know where he is and why he is where he is.” Tyler replied, catching Marie by the arm.
Marie turned quickly, “I don’t care why he is here. He is here that’s all that matters.”
“Look, if we know what he is up to then we would know what we are up against.” Tyler replied, holding firm in his position.
Marie smiled, “You are finally growing a pair, you know that. Fine, find out the address.” Marie sat down on the curb.
Tyler starting clicking into the phone searching the coordinates with address search, Tyler stared in disbelief when the results came back, “Shit, he’s at 233 South Wacker Drive.” Panic was overtaking Tyler.
“Yay, we have an address. Is that supposed to mean something because I got nothing on that,” Marie said sarcastically.
“That’s Willis Tower!” Tyler exclaimed sitting down next to her.
“Willis Tower yay, no clue.” Marie replied with a laugh, “Should any of this matter?” Marie said looking up at the sky.
“Willis Tower is one of the tallest buildings in the US. It is the home of the United Airlines headquarters.” Tyler said urgently getting up.
“Ok, so still not telling me why he is there or am I missing something?” Marie said, standing up.
“I don’t know what he is doing there but my guess is that, well, considering that he is part of a known terrorist organization, they are planning to make one hell of a statement.” Tyler replied rushing through his words.
“So, what, you think he is going to bring the building down or something? Pyro techniques are not his thing. He’s a hand to hand killer.” Marie replied reaching for the phone. “Can we please get moving? We are wasting time.”
“He could have people with him.” Tyler said staring back.
“Ok then I will kill them too, geeze let’s go.” Marie replied starting to walk again.
Tyler rushed behind, “So what’s the plan? Should we notify anyone that there is a potential terrorist attack planned for the Willis Tower?” Tyler was nervous. This was a big deal. They were dealing with a potential terrorist attack and she was so calm about it.
“No, that will not be happening. I will deal with Ethan and after that it’s whatever.” Marie replied still walking.
“Hold up you’re not concerned about the wellbeing of all those people.” Tyler said.
“Since when have I?” Marie asked with a smirk.
“Well, I do care.” Tyler said, grabbing her by the arm again and turning her towards him. “So why don’t you give a shit for once and actually help some people.” Tyler said, holding her arm firmly.
“Look, this is not what I do. I didn’t set out to save the fucking world. If any of these shits get in my way, they will pay the price. You can do what you want.” Marie pulled her arm from Tyler and continuing on. They walked in silence the rest of the way. Marie saw the building as they approached it a few blocks away. “I take it that’s it?” she said pointing to Willis Tower.
“Yes that’s it, do you see what I meant when I said I was worried?” Tyler replied.
“No, it’s a big building, so what? It doesn’t change anything, just stay focused. Where in the building is he? Or can you not narrow it down that much?” Marie said stopping and looking at Tyler.
“No I can when we get closer, I can get elevation.” Tyler replied looking at the phone. “He is still in there somewhere.”
“And the building is still standing, so I don’t think he will bring it down on himself.” Marie replied with a smirk turning away from Tyler and starting to walk towards the building.
“This is not funny!”
Marie just ignored him and started to pull back her dark hair again to knot it up in a bun. They finally reached the tower. Marie stopped again. “Ok, elevation?” she said to Tyler.
Tyler already had the phone out and was checking, “Based on this…..I would say……top floor!”
“Would you chill the f
uck out! Seriously, I’m no engineer but I am pretty sure bringing down a building from the top is not the way to go. He must be up to something else. Let’s go” Marie whispered to Tyler as she noticed the large groups of people going in and out of the main entrance near them.
Marie and Tyler entered the building. Tyler had never been in the tower and he was impressed. The polished granite flooring and stainless steel trim of the lobby impressed him instantly. Marie didn’t notice. She made straight for the elevators. Tyler realized she had walked off as he stared at his surroundings. He had to rush to her side as she was pushing the up button.
“Did you know that there are one hundred and four cars and they travel at speeds of up to one thousand two hundred feet per second?” Tyler said, with some excitement, he had heard of the tower but never been.
“I didn’t even knew it existed. How would I know something like that?” Marie replied sarcastically.
The elevator dinged and the doors open. Marie and Tyler entered the elevator and Marie quickly pushed the close door button and the doors closed before anyone else could enter. “I hate crowds.” Marie said to Tyler as the doors closed. The elevator quickly took off after Marie pushed the 110 button. As the elevator glided upward, Marie suddenly turned her head and looked up.
“What are you looking at?” Tyler questioned nervously. Marie stepped up to the control panel and pushed the stop button, the elevator came to a quick stop. “What are you doing?”
Marie looked at the panels on the ceiling of the elevator, then turned to Tyler, “Give me a boost,” she said, grabbing his hands and placing them in front of his stomach palms up.
“Ok” Tyler said. He was freaking out, he was just going to do what she said at this point. She placed her right foot in his hands and pushed down propelling herself up to reach the ceiling. Marie removed the top panel and started to climb out the top of the elevator. Tyler could just watch. He heard her handling something, then felt her pull something off the top of elevator, “Please tell me you haven’t gone nuts and are trying to kill us.” Tyler shouted out the opening in the ceiling. Marie then hopped back into the elevator and tossed Tyler a crudely constructed device. “What is this?” Tyler questioned nervously.